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Join a community transforming the mental health of the nation

The Association of Mental Health First Aiders is here to change how we talk about and support mental health. Together we’ll create a society where everyone’s mental health matters.

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Membership offer

Whether you’re an MHFAider or an Instructor Member, when you join the Association of Mental Health First Aiders, you’re part of the largest community of its kind. 

You’re connecting and collaborating with others who feel proud to be transforming the way we talk about and support people’s mental health.

Learn more about our membership offer
Cheerful Colleagues Smiling Happily During A Meeting

MHFAiders in your workplace

Book a course
£51 billion is spent by UK businesses on poor mental health each year.
Every £1 spent by employers on mental health interventions...
...returns £5 in reduced absence, presenteeism and staff turnover.

MHFA England

MHFA England is a social enterprise and all of our profit is reinvested in achieving our mission. We proudly subsidise training for those who need but would not otherwise be able to afford high quality training. 

Two People Talking